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Jigar & Richa

Wedding Anniversary

01st Feb 2020

Jigar & Richa

Thanks For Being With Me

Son of: Mahendra Bhai Magan Bhai Dedaniya
Ilaa Ben Mahendra Bhai Dedaniya
Study: B.E(E.C)
Working: Knack Solution As Area Manager(sales&service)

Daughter of: Vijay Bhai Khimji Bhai Bhlodiya
Tara Ben Vijay Bhai Bhlodiya
Study: M.com
Working: Svbb As A Accountant

There is no remedy for love but to love more.

We Meet A Beautiful Day!

Our Story

When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew



I take you to be my best friend, my faithful partner, and my one true love. i promise to encourage you and inspire you and to love you truly through good times and bad.

Our wedding


Never marry the one you can live with, marry the one you cannot live without. while both the phrases mean the same, the idea is you may have several people with whom you can live, but there is only one without whom you cannot live. the urge and need to be with your spouse all the time would instil more love in your heart, making the marriage a success.

We Meet A Beautiful Day!

Coming soon

Thanks For being with me

We Will Come Togather Very Soon!





Get ready For The Event


Thanks For Your Valuable Participation

Jigar's Family

Sister - Ritu

Brother - Jemi

Brother - Bhavya

Brother - Manav

Richa's Family

Sister - Riya

Brother - Manan

Cousin - Abhik

Cousins - Bhavin

What A Speacial Day!


What greater thing is there for two human souls, than to feel that they are joined for lifeā€“to strength each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?

Sanji na geet

Mandva ropan

Dandiya raas

Jaan prasthan

Hast medap

Bhojan samarambh

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